Product Type: Comics

DC Special #19 (DC Comics December 1975-January 1976)

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DC Comics


This is an amazing issue of DC Special #19 from December 1975-January 1976. It features the incredible artwork of Ernie Chan and Tatjana Wood, along with a captivating storyline by Gil Kane, Jack Miller, Robert Kanigher, Wayne Boring, Mike Esposito, Jim Shooter, John Broome, Sy Barry, Ross Andru, and many other talented writers and artists. The comic includes a variety of superheroes, including Lawford, Thotan, Clark Kent, Wonder Woman Princess Diana of Themyscira, Rikkaa, Jenkins, Colonel Steve Trevor, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Thomas 'pieface' Kalmaku, Garan, Eterno the Immortal, Perry White, Doctor Hartman, Diana Prince, Tooroo (A Giant from the Planet g), Arl, Carol Ferris, and Superman Kal-El.

This Bronze Age comic is a must-have for any collector or fan of US Comics, Superheroes, Science, Non-Fiction, Science Fiction, and Comics & Graphic Novels. It is

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